Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

Germany broadcasting,
Germany broadcasting.
People of Britain,
greetings from
the Third Reich.

This is the voice you
have learned to fear.

This is the
Voice of Terror.

Again, we bring
you disaster,

crushing humiliating

It is folly to
stand against

the mighty wraith
of the Fuhrer.

Do you need more testimony
of his invincible might
to bring you
to your knees?

Very well.
Are you ready
Operative Number 7?

This is the
Voice of Terror.

The secret
airplane factory

somewhere in England.
Listen, screams of the
dying can still be heard.

This is the
Voice of Terror.

Are you there
people of Britain

shivering in your cellars?
Listen Operative 41.
The fuse is lighted.
Oil to fuel your Navy,
to feed your tanks,
there it goes up in smoke
by the millions
of gallons.

This is the
Voice of Terror.

Do you still believe
that there are

secrets unknown
to the Fuhrer?

Listen, tonight at 7:10
an important diplomat
boarded a train

at a little station
outside Liverpool.

Each split second
is accounted for.

The rails divide,
the train hurtles
through the air,

the diplomat will make
no report in London.

This is the
Voice of Terror.

Englishmen, do you
still await your doom

in your stupid,
stuffy little clubs?
