Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

This is Limehouse
and we don't fancy
your sort of bloke
in these parts.

The fellow is
absolutely right.

Hadn't we better be,
Quiet Watson.
This is still
a free country.

A man may walk
where he pleases.

And live to regret it.
Live yes.
Regret it I think not.
Step back.
Come on Watson.
A friendly one.
What was that Holmes?
It's all right, quiet.
I can't see a thing.
Luckily for us
neither can they.

Apparently the
enemy has found out

that we've joined forces
with the government.

What makes you think that?
This knife
like the knife
which killed Gavin.

It was thrown by a former
student of Dr. Hamburg.

It's a German knife.
The knife throwers
of Hamburg are
extremely expert.

Holmes, can't we come
back in the daytime?

Certainly not.
I don't think we're safe.
No one in the world
is safe now, Watson,

at least of all us.
What is it?
Don't tell me that you
don't recognize me.

Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
I got to especially
angry lot here.

I'll take my chances.
I can't keep you out,
Mr. Holmes, but...
