Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

Duggan, listen to me.
I ain't got no time to
listen to you girly.

But you got to listen.
Someone killed Gavin,
I don't know who,

but you got to
help me find out.

All right, don't
help me then.

Cut your own throats,
that's what you're doing.

Help me or help the Nazis.
Sure, the Nazis
killed Gavin.

They might be
your friends

protecting 'em
the way you are.

Don't you know that all
the crimes they commit

are being blamed on you?
Well, they are,
and I hope you
hang for them.

You can have 'em.
For me I'm British
and I'm proud of it.

Nobody is gonna call me a
Nazi and get away with it.

Well, help me then.
Tell me what
Christopher means.

Well, don't anybody know?
Its got to mean something.
Speak up if you
know what it is.

Let's have it.
Don't mean a thing to me.
You gonna creep in the
corner alls your life?

Are you gonna sneak away
at the very sight
of a man like this

and show him what
cowards you are?

What are you afraid of?
I'm not asking
this for myself.

England is at stake.
Your England as much
as anyone else's.

About time to think about
whose side we're on.

There's only one
side, England,

no matter how high
or how low we are.

You, you, you, and you,
we're all on
the same team.

We've all got the
same call, victory.

Spread out all
over London

but find out what
Christopher means.

We'll find out, no
fear about that.

Thank you, Kitty.
Well done, my dear.
Shaw speaking.
Yes, Ms. Grandis.
That checks
with my report.

No, Ms. Grandis,
Sir Evan hasn't
arrived yet.

Yes, thank you.
Ms. Grandis reports that
Holmes spent some time

at the Air Ministry today.
That checks with
my information.

Last night a murder
and a session
at Limehouse.
