Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

I wonder what
the fellow...

He's here now.
I don't think I need
to report on my
activities, gentlemen.

You seem fairly
well informed.

We have our
methods, Holmes.

There only remains
for you to share

what's been accomplished.
All in good
time, Mr. Lloyd.

Good evening, gentlemen.
Good evening, Sir Evan.
What's the matter?
You look pale.
Oh, it's nothing, I...
Barham, your hand.
Let's have a
look at it now.

Oh, it's really nothing,
just an accident.

What sort of an accident.
Some fellow took
a shot at me

just as I was
leaving the house.

Took a shot at you?
It's only a scratch.
Odd thing to happen.
Have you any
idea who it was?

No, I haven't.
He popped up out
of the bushes

just as I was
getting into my car,

fired once,
then disappeared.
What do you make
of it, Watson?

Bullet wound.
This is a matter
for the police.

Oh, no, please.
I could never
identify him.

Let's forget it.
Captain Shaw.
People of Britain,

Is it shock you need?
Very well, we Nazis
can produce them

'til Britain's proud
head is in the dust

where it belongs.
People of London,
look out of your windows,
you will see your
promised disaster

written across the skies.
Lawford, turn out
the lights please.

Look to the east
end of your docks.

Are you alert, Number 20?
Look, Britain, look, and
wonder, and despair.

We Nazis keep
our promises.

There's a terrible
fire in the east end.

American bombers, tanks,
gone, destroyed utterly.

The flames are mounting
higher and higher
and higher.

Now the glare
must be visible

even to the
short-sighted leaders

of your bewildered

Watch the towering fires
they consume your new
planes from America,

your meager
store of tanks,

your puny munitions,
and your food.
Planes that were
your only defense

against our all
powerful Luftwaffe.

Tanks and munitions
that you prayed

would hold against
the magnificent
