The Palm Beach Story

And here's $14 in change.
That's for you.

Isn't it wonderful?
Sensational. But you haven't
quite answered my question yet.

What question, dear?
Why this alleged old man
gave you... How much is it?

Seven hundred dollars.
Seven hundred dollars.

No reason.

Oh, is that so? He just...
Seven hundred dollars, just like that?
Just like that.

I mean, sex didn't even
enter into it?
Oh, but of course it did, darling.

I don't think he'd have given it to me
if I had hair like excelsior
and little short legs like an alligator.

Sex always has something
to do with it, dear.
I see.

From the time you're about so big
and wondering why your girlfriends' fathers
are getting so arch all of a sudden.

Nothing wrong.
Just an overture to the opera
that's coming.

- I see.
- You don't really,
but from then on,

you get it from cops,
taxi drivers, bellboys,
delicatessen dealers.

- Got what?
- The look. You know:
"How's about this evening, babe?"

- So this gent gave you the look.
- The Wienie King? Oh, no.

Oh, at his age, darling,
it was really more of a blink.
Really? This is very illuminating.

Well, you don't have to get rigid
about it. It was perfectly innocent,
I assure you.

Where'd you meet this Wienie King?
You'll die laughing
when you hear.
All right. Convulse me.

In the bathtub.
In the bathtub?

Yes. Isn't that charming?
Delicious. What were you doing
in the bathtub?

I was hiding from him.
Hiding? What kind of games
do you play around here while I'm out?

I wish you could've
seen the expressión on his face.
I'm glad I didn't.

How much water was there
in the tub?
I was standing in the bathtub, foolish.

You were standing
in the bathtub?
In my pink wrapper. Oh, darling,

he was just a funny little old man
in a funny hat.

- He sat on the edge of the bed
and talked for a while.
- Oh, he's on the bed now, is he?

There aren't any chairs
in the bedroom, darling.
What was he doing in the bedroom?

He wanted to rent the apartment,
but when he found out
we were broke,

he gave me $700 and he left.
Just like that?
Well, I did kiss him good-bye.

Now the truth is coming out.
The... Oh. The truth.

You just tell me where this Wienie King
lives, and I'll take his money back to him
and tell him what I think of him.
