The Palm Beach Story

- Hey, will you wait a minute?
- No, I won't. I've made up my mind.
It's best for both of us,

while we're still young enough
to make other connections.

But you're forgetting a little thing
called love, honey. I love you,
and you love me.

- That's all that matters. That's all you
can take with you. Everything else is...

I'm so sorry.
Please accept all my apologies.

Hey, Officer, hold that woman!
She stole my suitcase!

Why, you lying...
You mean this one?
That's right.
I'll be right down.

Do I look like
a suitcase stealer to you?
It isn't how you look;

it's how you behave
that counts in this worid.

Now, I mind the time, and...
Oh, wise guy.

Thank you for holding her, Officer.
You wanna prepare charges
or something disagreeable like that?

No, I'd prefer not to.
This is my wife, Mrs. Jeffers.
Mr. Mulligan.

The name happens to be O'Donnell,
if it's all the same to you,

and I have a good mind to charge you
with false arrest, only I don't know
if I could make it stick.

Why don't you try?
Oh, it's too nice a mornin'.
To heck with it.

Why don't you two learn
to get along together? I had to.

Now what?
Now, will you come back upstairs
and be sensible?

No, I won't. Give me back my suitcase.
It was hard enough to make up my mind
to do what I know is right.
