The Palm Beach Story

It's about the tickets.
How many in the party?

How many members in this club?
Well, there's...

there's Ozzie and Hitchie
and him and him.

That makes four.
And you and me.
That makes six.

I'm not a member of this club.
Why not?

Oh, it isn't good enough for you, eh?
Now, let's get this straight.
How many members are there?

One, two, three,
four, five, six. Six.

All right. That's three.
Now, we'll start from there.

You tryin' to make a liar
out of me?
Mr. President,

I move that this member
be expelled!

Second the motion.
All those in favor say "aye"!



All right. We're expelled.
Have a drink, boys.

Okay. That's four.
That's seven!

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven. What's the matter
with you? You cockeyed?

It ain't me that's cockeyed.
Lookin' for trouble, eh?


Mr. Osmond doesn't always
carry his liquor to perfection.

Now, let's start this all over.
Now, just a moment, Officer.

I'm not an officer.
I'm a conductor on this train.

All in "flavor," say "aye"!


Opposition vote.

Good night.
Good night.

If there's the slightest trouble,
just knock on my wall.
Oh, thank you, Mr...

Don't give it a thought. As I've so often
said at dinners and our little gatherings
and... Where's your baggage?

My bag... What?
Where's your luggage?
What are you going to sleep in?

Oh, that's quite all right.
I'll just... You see, I left
so hurriedly.

Why, bless my soul,
you stay right here. I'll have you
a pair of pajamas for you...

What size do you take?
Never mind. You'll have to take my size.
They may be a little big, but still...

Suwannee River
That's where the old folks stay
All the worid is sad
and dreary

Everywhere I roam
