The Talk of the Town

Of course, if you get telegrams,
it's not my fault.

Bad news?
- It's from my man, Tilney.
- Is he arriving?

Not for a few days.
You see, it happens to be my birthday,
and Tilney always remembers it.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

- Do I look 40 years old?
- Yes, you...

That is, in a way, you do.
Will you let me have
Mrs. Hines' number?

As I said, I represent
the perfect solution.

Cook and secretary.
$40 a week and board.

- I dictate 150 words a minute.
- Some think more slowly than others.

- Breakfast at 8, eggs every other day.
- No eggs tomorrow.

Lunch at 1, an hour for correspondence,
work from 3 to 6, dinner at 7.

How could you find time
for all of that?

I could cook while you're reading,
you see?

- I think someone more mature...
- Let me try. I'd love to work for you.

It'd be a mental holiday for me. You
only need a cook until your man arrives.

It'd be a shame
to hire a woman temporarily.

It doesn't matter to me. I'm a
teacher and this is my summer vacation.

Don't you agree with me?
You'll never regret this move.
Your clothes, Miss Shelley.
We got them here as quick as we could.

Take them right upstairs.
First door to the right.

Yes, ma'am.
I'll get out of these pyjamas.
Collect your thoughts.

When I come down,
you can plunge right into work.
