Woman of the Year

I think we can both stop worrying.
By authority of the powers invested
in me by the state of South Carolina...

...I pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Yes, I know.
May I, Mrs. Craig?
- Well, Pop, you're stuck with me.
- It's a pleasure, Sam.

I've poured some wine for a toast.
Miss Harding... I mean, Mrs. Craig.
That call you put to New York's waiting.

- I didn't want to interrupt.
- That's Gerald. Excuse me.

- I thought a toast to the bride...
- Mr. Harding, we have to hurry.

- Ten minutes rushed by.
- I need a lift. I told Eleanor I'd drop in.

If you're able to go right away.
I'm sorry to rush...

...old boy, but you know...
- Newlyweds should be left alone anyway.

Now, look here... Just a minute, Gerald.
Goodbye. You were sweet to come.
Goodbye, good...

I'm not going. I'm staying.
Now, look, Gerald.
We ought to be able to get out
of here in about half an hour.

I don't know, I suppose
around 10 or 11:00.

No. Well... You better have a car meet
us. We'll go straight to the apartment.

No, I want them tonight.
If any word did come through, I'd...

Well, I'm afraid it's hopeless.
Good heavens, Miss Harding,
you've been in an accident?

Shame on you.
What a way to talk about marriage.

- Any calls?
- Yes, Miss Harding...

- No, we're married now, Alma.
- Oh, Mrs. Harding.

- No, Mrs. Craig.
- Yeah?

- I put all the messages on your desk.
- Thank you. Bring in the things.

I'll get them.
Oh, Mr. Craig, if there's any
little thing that I can do...
