You Were Never Lovelier

"Dearly beloved, dearly beloved...
...dearly beloved, dearly beloved."
- I wouldn't take it so hard.
- I'm not taking anything hard.

Beware of note writers who haven't
the courage to court you face to face.

Even my clock's slow.
No, it isn't. Look, dear. Look.
"For Miss Maria Acuna."
Thank you, sir.

Thank you with all my heart and soul.
You're an angel.
Hoist the anchor, Cecy,
we're in again.

You know, I think
I've seen him before.

Louise, would you be a darling and
pick up the pieces of notes I tore up?

Yes, yes.
"Dearly beloved..."
Jumping blue blazes!
Jumping blue blazes!
Can't you even order a teapot
for that hotel without calling me?

Why do I put up with it?
All right, all right.

Maybe I can fly up next week.
In the meanwhile, start looking
for another profession.

One that won't require the use of that
addled fraction of a brain of yours.
