You Were Never Lovelier

...and making yourself be charming.
- I did not.

Maybe there is insanity
in the female branch of the family.

They've conceived
a misguided affection for you.

- They think I'm in love with Maria.
- The mention of love between you...

...makes my flesh creep.
How you can be the father of such
a lovely girl absolutely amazes me.

- I resent that remark.
- I resent how you butt into her life.

But you have absolutely
no right to resent anything.

Mr. Acuna, I've arranged to fly back
to New York by the next plane.

- You've what?
- You can tear up that contract.

- I've decided to beat it.
- Oh, you have? Just like that?

Yes, sir, I'm going to dump
your entire asinine predicament...

...right back into your lap.
Oh, I see. You want them to think
that I forced you to leave.

Isn't that exactly what you're doing?
You want Maria to think you're a
martyr, sacrificed on the altar of love.

That idiotic statement didn't come
from your wife's side of the family.

Mr. Davis, you signed
a binding contract with me.

You'll stay here,
or I'll file an injunction.

- Yesterday, you wanted...
- That was before...

...your hideous display of charm
last night. Now I have a new plan.

You will live up to your contract
in the Sky Room...

...but you will keep away from Maria.
- Is that supposed to be brilliant?

That will let her know that you
merely used her to get the contract.

Naturally, then, she will loathe you.
That's just dandy. Then what?
Then, to show you how little
you've meant to her...

...she will immediately fall in love
with a more acceptable young man.

One of many whom I will invite
to my home in the immediate future.

- You think she'll fall in love quickly?
- Mr. Davis...

...I have an instinct about emotional
responses of the feminine heart.

Don't you think
I ought to explain to Maria that...?

- Why, I thought perhaps...
- No.

Our mutual aim
is that she loathe you, isn't it?

I guess so.
- I was just thinking...
- No.

You do the dancing,
I'll do the thinking.
