Destination Tokyo

- Hatch secured!
- Battle stations manned.

Main induction closed.
What was it?
Looked like a four-motor
bomber to me.

Pressure in the boat, sir.
Level off at 150 feet.
- Rig for depth charge.
- Rig for depth charge.

Close main vents.
Main vents closed, sir.
- Blow negative.
- Blow negative.

- Close negative flood.
- Close negative flood.

Negative flood closed, sir.
- Level off at 150.
- Level off at 150.

- Zero bubble.
- Zero bubble.

Open all vents.
- All ahead one-third.
- All ahead one-third.

All answering ahead one-third, sir.
- Pump from auxiliary to sea.
- Auxiliary to sea!

- Can we hear it when it comes?
- Yep, son.

We'll hear it, all right.
- Isn't there anything we can do?
- Yep. We're doing it.

Maybe it's one of our own planes.
If we sink, it doesn't matter
who drops the bombs.
