Destination Tokyo

Hello, honey.
I hope you play this record
once in a while while you're away.

It'll mean you're missing
me like I miss you...

... from the moment you shove off,
every single time.

Have I ever told you how much those
homecoming bear hugs mean to me?

Gosh, darling, you could break
all my ribs, having you back is so good.

The kids miss you and make believe
you're at the table each night.

I don 't think they know
what being married 10 years...

... to a sweet guy like you is like.
I do, thank God.
Means you've made me
the happiest woman alive.

I hope I've made you happy, Mike.
I always tried my darnedest...
... because I love you...
... with every bit of my heart.
"And whilst we consign...
...his remains to the deep...
...we the living
pray thee heavenly Father...

:53:22 grant him eternal peace
and rest...

...through Christ Jesus, our Lord."
