Destination Tokyo

I'm sorry, captain.
I thought there was a Jap
loose onboard ship.

It was Mr. Raymond.
The democratic movement in Japan
after the last war, what happened to it?

- The leaders were assassinated.
- What of the people?

They have no voice now.
Starvation is the big stick.

That's right, sir.
A big wage is $ 7 a week.

They have no unions,
no free press, nothing.

- They do what they're told.
- Most believe what they're told.

Like that hero
who knifed your torpedoman.

- They were sold a swindle and accept it.
- How can they support such big families?

They don't. Daughters of the poor
are often sold to factories or worse...

...when they're about 12.
Females are useful there only to work
or to have children.

The Japs don't understand
the love we have for our women.

They don't even have a word for it.
Picking up something directly aft,
captain. Bearing, 180.

- All stop. Up scope.
- All answering stopped, sir.

Sounds like a cruiser limping in,
destroyers escorting.

She's a heavy cruiser, deep in the water,
coming home sick, destroyers for nurses.

- Down scope.
- Dead duck, captain?

Live duck. No torpedoes.
This is our ticket to the feeding grounds.

- Range on cruiser, soundman.
- 4200 yards, sir.

Should be tugs coming to help her.
Surge ahead, entrance to Tokyo Bay.
