For Whom the Bell Tolls

Get out of sight!
- German and Italian.

Can they see the horses?
- They're not looking for horses.

Man! I could see their faces!
- I spit in their faces!

I spit in the milk of their mothers!
I tell you they could see the horses.
- Wipe the sweat from your face.

They could see the cigarette butts.
- Huh?

Hey, wait! They may be back!
- Coward!

Go to your horses!
Have you seen planes like this before?
- Never, Inglés. - Get inside.

I'm going with Pilar to El Sordo.
We've got to have more horses.

You know your sentry posts.
Keep a close watch.

Anselmo, write down everything
that passes along the road.

I can't write, Roberto.
- I'll show you how to write.

Look how Roberto can make pictures.
That's a truck, see?
And here's a soldier on a horse.
Look! Tank!
I will catch me
a tank like that, old man.

Whatever passes, make a mark.
The man on the horse is for cavalry.
