Le Corbeau

What do you say to that?
These letters are nothing
but a web of slander and lies.

That's clear in my mind.
In mine, too, sir.
- Get a grip on yourself!.
- Let me sleep.

- Enough of this!
- But I'm sick!

You, sick?
I know your tricks.

You had to have all the lodgers,
except the boy scout.
And maybe him, too.

Now it's Dr. Germain's turn.
You can pick them!
He's a stuffed shirt.
I bet he's a lousy lover.

- Then why act sick?
- I'm not acting. I am sick.

I have bronchitis.
And strep throat.

True, you do look ill.
Do you have a fever?

Let's see your throat.
What's this?
A compress.
Ice water? You're not acting sick.
You're making yourself sick.

Luckily, I got that letter.
- What letter?
- This one!

Hello, Colonel.
Hello, Mr. Mayor.
- Not playing?
- These gentlemen are talking.

- Fayolles got a letter.
- What's worse, so did I.

Why worse?
Because I'm a public figure!
He doesn't even respect public office.
Sinister character!
Listen to this!
"Old shirker"...
I refuted that hogwash
during my election campaign.

"You administer a city
polluted by Germain the angel-maker.
Here's my indictment in three points:
Point 1 : Germain sowed
his wild oats with -"

Here he names
a lady of honorable standing.

It's unnecessary to lend it
any importance.
