Madame Curie

which you've found valuable
Of course.
Well, then, now.
Where as I was inclined to
be nervous and impatient

you were quite the opposite.
You have a clear mind
you were tenacious

you would never give up.
It's an excellent combination.
I might compare it with
the chemical formula NACI

Sodium Chloride.
It's a stable necessary compound.
So if we marry on this basis
our marriage would always
be the same.

The temperature would be the same
the composition would be the same
There would be no destruction
no fluctuation

none of the
uncertainties and emotions of love.

I know how you feel about love
about men

I mean
and I respect that feeling.

It's also my own conviction.
For the scientist
there is no time for love.

I always believe science and
marriage to be incompatible

but it's stupid to believe
in generalization.

In our case, it would be a
wonderful collaboration.

A wonderful collaboration.
Don't you feel that?

I feel that.
And as for your father
from what you've said

I'm sure he would applaud
such a collaboration.

He might.
And as for Poland
what little good

you could make there,
you could make up here ten fold
on your own ground science.

What do you think I should do?
It would be a very fine thing
I believe

to pass our lives together
with our common scientific dream
to work together constantly
in our search

and any discovery that
we should make

no matter how small
would deepen the friendship

that we already have
for each other

and increase the respect that
we mutually feel.

I can imagine no respect
or friendship
greater than I have for you now.

I can imagine no future
so full of promise

than the one you offer.
Then I suggest that you stay
on in Paris with me.

I think you are right.
I should like to stay
in Paris very much.

Thank you.
