Madame Curie

Pierre Yes?
Our universe is composed of
definitely known substances

isn't it?
Elements are fixed forever
in earth unchanging

we know that, don't we?
All of our scientist
based on that

All of our science is
based on that. Go on

In the beginning
man used to think that the world
have only of four elements,

earth, air, fire and water.
They thought that everything
in their universe

could be made out of those.
Yes. Go on.

But They were wrong, weren't they?
They were wrong.
Now we know that
there are 78 elements

The elements over there
on the shelves

and we believe that there are
some elements still unknown

but we assume that...
these missing elements
have the same character

as those we know already.
That is right
What if there is
a kind of matter in the world

we never even dream of?
What would that mean?
Marie, that would mean
that our whole conception of the
nature of matter would

have to be changed.
It is cold in here.
Tell me what you are thinking.
I don't quite dare.
Go on and say it now matter
how crazy it sounds.

What if we did not make a mistake
in our measurement?

What if the conception
of science is wrong?
