Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera
finally opened in September,

final cost $632,000.
It was a sensation,
grossing more than $2 million.

It was one of the last hurrahs
of the silent cinema.

Then, in 1927, everything changed:
movies had found their voice.
Universal was so delighted
with the reception of The Phantom,

that naturally, when sound came in,
one of the thoughts was
"Let's do it again with sound."

The "Return of the Phantom"
was announced,

all-talking, all-singing, all-Technicolor,
but no Chaney.
The Man of a Thousand Faces resisted
becoming The Man of a Thousand Voices.

When Lon Chaney did speak, it would
be for Louis B Mayer, not Carl Laemmle.

Universal's talking Phantom
required some technical sleight of hand.

Universal retrofit
the original Phantom in sound.

Prohibited by contract
from dubbing Chaney's voice,

Universal wrote his dialogue in the third
person, as if delivered by an emissary,

and looped it only over shots of his
shadow, avoiding mouth synchronisation.

Don't be afraid.
No harm shall come to you, Christine.
The Master is waiting.
Walk to the mirror.
Have no fear.
40 per cent of the film
was reshot in synchronous sound.

Trade papers called
the result "breathtalking".

But the microphone rang down
the curtain on the careers

of both Mary Philbin and Norman Kerry.
