Phantom of the Opera

You've stolen my music.
You've stolen my music!
The sewers of Paris lead to refuge
in catacombs beneath the Opera.

The reign of terror begins.
Christine DuBois
will sing tomorrow night.

Madame Biancarolli and her maid
have been murdered.

- You're not one of the police.
- I'll watch over you.

I've always watched over you. Come.
The fallen angel
makes a heaven of his hell.

You'll love it here,
when you get used to the dark.

And you'll love the dark too. It's friendly.
The music comes down
and the darkness distils it.

And life here is like a resurrection.
A ritual is re-enacted.
And the finale was guaranteed
to bring down the house.

A sneak preview went badly.
Then, the first-night audience
in Chicago howled with laughter.

Had the Phantom jinx struck again?
Universal management prayed.
Their prayers were answered,
just as Carl Laemmle's had been in 1925.

Phantom of the Opera
was an immediate smash,
