Phantom of the Opera

I'm sorry, Claudin, really sorry.
If I had time... But my expenses are great.

And you must remember there are many
who can pay waiting to study with me.

I'll let her come a few times, and then
I will tell her she no longer needs me.

But that isn't true.
As a matter of fact, if you had the money,
she might be launched on a career soon.

I assume that MIle DuBois has not the
means to pay for her own instructions?

A month's salary wouldn't be enough
to pay for one of your lessons.

But... I have written a concerto.
Will you trust me if I can
arrange to have it published?

Every violinist has written a concerto!
Come, come, my dear Claudin.

But I have faith in this one,
as much faith as I had in MIle DuBois
when I came three years ago.

Now, I was right about her,
Signor, and I'm right about this.

Pleyel and Desjardins will publish it,
and they'll give me
a substantial advance. You'll see!

(man) It's a shame.
Pleyel's in there with his etchings.

Why don't they tell the poor devil he won't
see anyone, instead of torturing him?

He'll see me?
No. He is too busy today.
- Has he seen my manuscript?
- Manuscript? What manuscript?

- My concerto.
- I know nothing about it.

- But you took the portfolio into him.
- If I did, you will receive it in due time.
