Phantom of the Opera

I insist upon the arrest of
the criminal and his accomplice.

- And if you don't, I...
- One moment, madame, please.

You have heard Mr Garron
deny that he drugged you.

As the inspector says,
there is no evidence.

- And remember, madame...
- Are you suggesting that I...

If you insist upon his arrest
and fail to obtain a conviction,

you will find yourself in
a very difficult predicament.

- Quite right.
- And no matter what the outcome,

don't forget that your career
is bound to the Paris Opera.

Whatever scandal injures us,
or any member of the company,

- Will injure you as well.
- (Lecours) Precisely.

Are you suggesting that
I forget the whole affair?

Yes. For your own sake, as well as ours,
and purely as a matter
of business expediency.

That is exactly what
we propose, madame.

(Lecours) Exactly.
Very well.
That is, under certain conditions.
I want a new understudy.
Christine DuBois goes back to the chorus
and stays there for the two years
my contract has to run.

I won't permit such an outrage!
If any such arrangement is made, I'II...

- Now, madame...
- My dear Anatole, I have not finished.

You suggest I forget
I was drugged tonight?

- Madame.
- Very well. I'll go a step further.

I suggest that you forget
anything happened afterwards.

- For once, madame, I do not understand.
- Oh, monsieur, it's so simple.

Nothing happened tonight. I wasn't
drugged and Christine DuBois didn't sing.

- But...
- There are always critics in the house.

You'll send word to the papers that
no mention of her is to be made.

You'll do nothing of the sort.
It's ridiculous.

Besides, what about the public, madame?
Shall we send word to the public to
forget that MIle DuBois was a sensation?

If you're willing to ruin the Opera for the
sake of Christine DuBois, it's your affair.

But you'll either do as I say, or I'll charge
both of them with trying to murder me.

Do you understand that? Murder me!
