Phantom of the Opera

Lubin said that "Mohr was one
of the great cameramen of our time."

"He did many pictures for me,
and all the directors wanted him."

Mohr's credits include The Jazz Singer,
Outward Bound, The Lost Moment,
Destry Rides Again,
Captain Blood, The Wild One.

He won an Academy Award
for A Midsummer Night's Dream.

He shot King of Jazz, the Universal
Technicolor musical, in 1930,

and one of their early talkie horror films,
The Cat Creeps, the same year.

He had shot The Last Warning for director
PáI Fejös on the Phantom stage in 1929.

He'd actually photographed
Lon Chaney in The Monster in 1925.

For Fejös's picture Broadway in 1929
he had helped develop
an incredible camera crane

that could turn 360 degrees,
boom up, boom down -

the most remarkable piece of equipment
ever seen of its type.

Technicolor supplied their own
cameraman, W Howard Greene,

nicknamed "Duke".
He was required by Technicolor's
contract to work with Mohr.

Greene had a problem. He was an
alcoholic and he was frequently drunk.

The crew covered for him
as best they could,

and Mohr effectively had
to carry the show all on his own.

Mohr was a very gallant-if aloof-man,
and Susanna Foster
remembered his behaviour.

One day she returned late from a lunch
hour and she was loudly tongue-lashed

by producer George Waggner
in front of the crew.

Mohr went to her rescue just as loudly
and shouted down his producer for
the outburst-a very risky thing to do.

By contract,
Natalie Kalmus of Technicolor

was there to supervise
all of the colour design.

Mohr loathed Mrs Kalmus.
When Arthur Lubin started colour tests
of Eddy and Foster,

he too found her presence
to be "a pain in the ass".

"We had to test everything for her."
"There was a great deal of interference
from Technicolor."

"They'd say 'You're putting too much red
in' or 'You need more green'."

"She and Duke made the final decisions."
"You'd listen to Technicolor if they had
the final say on the printing of the thing."
