Shadow of a Doubt

Joe would have to try
to push me off in a certain way.

And then, after having
gotten the master shot,

he would come in and do close-ups
on wherever our hands and feet were.

Sometimes people say, Boy, that was
a pretty good shove you gave him."

It wasn't really that she pushed him,
but he was trying to push her,

and in resisting him,
at one point in the struggle,

it just happens that he falls.
It was very effective.
It was kind of horrifying.
It's really hard to go on
with the story after that.

You know?
You had to end it.
You couldn't end with his death,
and you didn't
want to end with a funeral.

So I think the only thing he could do
was the scene outside the funeral,

and try to say something about life
and what his life added up to.

He didn't trust people.
He seemed to hate them.
He hated the whole world.
You know...
he said that people like us had no idea
what the world was really like.

It's an end of innocence for her,

because she now
cannot only imagine evil,

which, she would never have
imagined anything that evil before,

but she knows it exists
and she knew it existed in the one
person her mother loved the most.

She has to grow up and realise that
people can be deeply loved by someone,

and yet have something inside them
that is so destructive,

that they can poison
and literally kill people.

(O'Connell) This was
my father's favourite movie,

and it was because he loved
bringing the menace into a small town,

into a family that had never
known any bad things happen to them.
