Sherlock Holmes Faces Death

I don't think you're
being quite fair, Geoffrey

I assure you
I have no wish
to be fair.

An excellent specimen
of the coprass Carolina.

You are a sweet old
soul aren't you?

I have no wish to
be a sweet old soul,

no wish to be anything
but what I am

a disagreeable person
who does not intend

to let his sister
run off with

the first cockshaw Yankee
who makes her posies jump.
And I suppose Philip feels
the same way about it?

Well, Philip has no
choice in the matter.

As my younger brother,
Phillip feels precisely
as I tell him to.

Eaves dropping
again, Brunton.

Oh, no, Mr. Phillip.
I assure you

But I didn't wish
to disturb 'em.

What did you
hear, Brunton?

Your brother
and Miss Sally

were going at it
hammer and tongues

about Captain
Vickery I mean.

Mr. Geoffrey and
Captain Vickery

had an horrible row this
afternoon over Miss Sally.

I thought they were
coming to blows.

Indeed I did.
That will do now Brunton.
If I catch you
snooping again

I shall ask my brother
to give you notice.

Yes sir.
Thank you, sir.
Your not above a bit
of snooping yourself

are you Phillip.
Not in the least old boy.
