Sherlock Holmes Faces Death

I was just
saying, Lestrade,

that I should get
into New Castle,

pick up my chemicals
and be back here

not later than
noon tomorrow.

Why yes, Mr. Holmes.
Meanwhile you all have
your work cut out for you.

You'll guard this
door with your life.

Of course I'll...
With what?
I said with your life.
Anything you say, Holmes.
There's no entrance
to this cellar

except through
that doorway.

And Holmes what
I feel... huh?

Brunton's murderer's
in this house

and he's bound to
make one last effort

to get down there to
erase those marks.

Lestrade's men are
posted outside

and they'll see to it
that nobody
leaves this house.

Concentration camp.
My men have orders to
shoot if necessary.

I'll be outside
myself keeping watch.

Sexton your post will
be at Miss Sally's door

and remember she's in more
danger than anyone here.

Don't worry I'll look
after her, Mr. Holmes.

Good night.
Good night, Holmes.
Oh, Dr. Watson, if you
want any help, sing out.

I don't mind saying
I feel a lot safer
if I had a gun on me.

Huh, I always
keep mine ready.

Good night Bob,
keep awake old man.

I will.
That's funny.
It's striking
twelve again.
