Sherlock Holmes in Washington

Well Senator Babcock
was held up

on his way
from the station

but nothing taken.
Mrs. Jellison's home was
ransacked that night.

And she found the book
that she carried
from the train

literally torn to bits.
That's right.
Miss Pringle?
Miss Pringle said
someone released the
mice from the cage

that during the
night sometime

and she found the
cage torn apart.

What happened to
the mice I wonder?

An intriguing line
of thought, Watson,

but not essential
to the case.

Apparently, Grogan,
they're still looking
for the document.

I'd very much like
to have a look at
that club car.

Well that will be easy,
I had the car
held on the side

in the railroad yards.
But we searched the car
thoroughly Mr. Holmes.

We couldn't find a thing.
What are you doing?
What's this?
Mr. Holmes your trunk.
I have no trunk.
It says right there.
Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
Hotel Metropolitan.

How was this
trunk delivered?

An express man
brought it sir.

What's the name
of the company?

Do you remember
the license number?

Well naturally I
didn't notice that,

I just signed for it.
All right, thank
you, that'll do.

Well this trunk's
not locked.

Great Scott!
Poor chap.
You recognize
him Mr. Holmes?

Who was he?
The man were looking
for, John Grayson.

His real name is
Alfred Pettibone,

British Secret Service.
Why should they
send the body here?

Obviously to frighten us.
Or to tell us
they know that

Sherlock Holmes
is on the case.

Gentlemen they knew
we are on the case

as early as their attempt
on our lives in London.
They're much too
intelligent to believe

that a corpse
would frighten

a trained detective.
No, I rather think they
intended this as a message

and they wanted to be sure
that I'd be here
at the Hotel Metropolitan
to receive it.

What do you mean?
They want us to believe
that they found
the document

and therefore have no
further use for Grayson.

Well if that's true
then we're done for.

I'm not so sure that
it is true Watson.

If they have the document
why they wasting
time sending me this?
