Sherlock Holmes in Washington

I'll send you my
check in the morning.

I... I see you know
the London value
of these pieces.

It's my business.
You know I think
you're just the man

to help me find
some furniture

I'm anxious to get.
I'm most frightfully bored
with the usual
conglomeration of pieces

that we can pick up
on the other side.

What do you really want
Mr. Sherlock Holmes?

You're Henry Kinkle
or as you now
call yourself

Mr. Richard Stanley.
In 1914, secret agent
of the German Kaiser.

Since then,
head of the most insidious
international spy ring

that ever existed.
You're wrong.
A case of
mistaken identity.

I've been a respected
member of this community

for a great many years.
I deal in antiques
because of their
rarity and beauty.

Merely a device to cover
up your real business

of transporting
secret information

to the enemies
of this country.

Very interesting
but just a figment
of your imagination.

I am a very busy man
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Where is Nancy Pattridge?
You're not
looking for that girl

you're looking for
a certain document.

Dear me no.
The document's
perfectly safe.

You see the man who has it
doesn't know he has it.
That's a very pretty
tale but quite untrue.

The only man who had
any contact with Grayson

on the train was
Senator Babcock.

The Senator doesn't
have the document

we took the
trouble to find out.

Permit me.
Thank you.
Perhaps you've
been mislead

by the common
notion regarding

the shape and bulk
of state papers.

They might easily
been reduced to a,

to a convenient
size you know?

Say a document
no larger than a,

than a postage stamp.
A postage stamp huh?
That's a very
interesting theory

but not supported
by the facts

and quite
beside the point.

Where's the girl?
