The Ox-Bow Incident

The vigilantes would
like to get hold of you.

They want him for murder.
TETLEY: How about that?
-I don't know.

Stick together nice, don't they?

Why question me when you
don't believe anything I say?

TETLEY: There's truth in lies too,
if you can get enough of them.

What do you know about the old man?
-He was in the Army.
-Confederate or Union?

He's not clear about it himself.
Maybe both, at different times.

A half-wit in the Army?
He's forgotten.
Not that.
I'll make a deal with you, Martin.

Tell us which of you shot Kinkaid
and the other two can wait.

None of us killed anybody.
Then that's all, I guess.
-Bring them along.
MARTIN: You're not going to do it really!

You've got to wait, I tell you!
You've gotta give us some time!

You've got to give us some time!
-We haven't done anything.
MAN: Throw the other rope up there.

Remember, the Mexican's mine.
MARTIN: My kids! One of them is a baby!
They haven't got a thing to go on!

I've got to write a letter.
If you're human, you'll give me time.

-That ain't asking much.
-They're trying to put it off.

-Want Tyler and the sheriff to get here?
-They won't come in time.

I believe you're right, Mr. Davies,
though I doubt if you want to be.

What time is it?
Five minutes after 3.
All right.
We don't want to give anyone
cause for complaint.

With your permission,
we'll wait till daylight.

Bring them back.
That'll give you time, Reverend,
to finish your business at leisure.

Sure. And them time to think it over.
