The Ox-Bow Incident

TETLEY: I'm not disputing that fact.
It may be a fine letter.

But if it's an honest letter,
it's none of my business to read it.

If it isn't, I don't want to.
-Is that my letter you're showing?

-What right have you to show it?
SMITH: Don't raise your voice!

I told him I'd keep it for him.
-All I asked was to make sure it's delivered.
-I'm sorry. I was trying--

It's enough to be hanged without having
your private thoughts handed around.

-I said I'm sorry. I was merely--
-I don't care what you were doing!

I didn't write that letter to be passed
around. It's not their business!

I made no promise, son.
I thought there was one white man here.
I was wrong. Give me my letter.

DAVIES: I'll see that she gets it.
-I wouldn't have her touch it now.

In that case, give him back the letter.
Your wife ought to hear from you, son.

None of us could be as kind
and understanding as this letter.

She'll want to keep it
for your children.

I'm sorry.
The Mex!

BARTLETT: Spread out!
He may have a gun!

TETLEY: Keep an eye on these two!
