Cover Girl

Not that l think l'm the most
beautiful girl in the world...

...but l think l can at least try.
'' Vanity's Golden Wedding Girl.
Fame and fortune await the girl...

...on the cover
of Vanity's 50th anniversary number.

Who will she be? She could be you.''
How could getting your face on
a magazine get you into the big time?

A cover girl's face can unlock
any door.

-l've got a face. l'll use it.
-l don't understand.

lf you can do better,
why should Mr. McGuire object?

The McGuire slogan is to get there
on your feet, not your face.

Can you imagine me asking him?
My name is Rusty Parker.
Could l see Mr. Coudair
about the Vanity cover?

Miss Jackson, Mr. Coudair's assistant,
does interviews. She'll try to see you.

Thank you.
What on earth are you doing here?
Oh, same thing you are, l guess.
You shouldn't be
such a good salesman.

Does Danny know you came?
