Double Indemnity

All right, let's go.
On the way back
we went over once more...

what she was to do
at the inquest, if they had one

and about the insurance,
when that came up.

I was afraid she might go to pieces a little,
now that we had done it,

but she was perfect.
No nerves. Not a tear,
not even a blink of the eyes...

She dropped me a block
from my apartment house.

What's the matter?
Aren't you going to kiss me?

It's straight down the line, isn't it?
- I love you, Walter.
- I love you, baby.

It was two minutes past 11
as I went up the fire stairs again.

Nobody saw me this time either.
In the apartment I checked the bells.
The cards hadn't moved.

No calls. No visitors.
Then I changed my clothes again.
That left one last thing to do.
I had to go down to the garage.
I wanted Charlie to see me again.
