
designed to receive it,
whereupon the ax descended...

severing the head
from the torso with one blow...

or in unlucky cases, two.
Moving to our right,
we have a model of the famous rack...

the instrument of torture
upon which prisoners were stretched...

their limbs being frequently torn
from their sockets...

in an effort to extract
a confession from them, true or false.

There you are.
I wondered what had become of you.

It was so close in there.
Let's go out into the sunshine.

- Are we going to see the torture chamber?
- Certainly. I think it's right over here.

Uncle Brian, what's the matter?
You look as if you've seen a ghost.

- That's exactly what I thought I'd seen.
- There's no such thing as a ghost.

I know. I meant I just thought
I saw someone I know is dead.

I have no idea who he is.
He seemed to know me and...

Do you usually bow
to people you don't know?

No. I supposed I'd met him somewhere.
- Are you telling me the truth?
- Of course. Why should I lie?

- I don't know who he is.
- Yet you smiled at him. Why?

I tell you, I wasn't thinking.
I don't know why I did it.

Like the other things.
- What other things?
- Nothing.

Only I've been noticing, Paula, that...
- you've been forgetful lately.
- Forgetful?

Losing things and...
Don't look so worried, Paula.
It's nothing.

- You get tired and...
- Yes, that's probably what it is. I get tired.
