Going My Way

But, Father Fitzgibbon,
why do you want a new furnace?

Because, Mr. Haines, last winter,
in the month of November alone...

four of me parishioners
took to the bed with pneumonia.

That's too bad.
It's only by a miracle
that I meself pulled through.

It'll only cost $632.50...
complete with an automatic damper.
But, Father, I didn't come here
to put in new furnaces.

I think you ought to give him
his furnace, Dad.

It would warm people's hearts,
and maybe his collections would be bigger.

No, Son. Improvements are out.
Now, Father...

That was good.
What he said, that was good.

Well, he's new to our business.
Now, Father...

- No furnace?
- No furnace.

Now, Father, here's my business.
You owe the Knickerbocker Savings
and Loan Company...

five payments on this mortgage.
If they're not taken care of...

I'm afraid the Knickerbocker Savings
and Loan Company...

will have to take the necessary action.
Why don't you make it
the subject of your sermon next Sunday?

Tell it to your people.
"The Lord loveth a cheerful giver."

Oh, I can imagine meself
saying that in Mass next Sunday.

What a sermon that would be, Mr. Haines.
"The text of me sermon this morning...
"is taken from the mortgage...
"according to Mr. Haines...
"from the 1st to the 23rd clause."
