Going My Way

If you're looking for St. Dominic's, Father,
it's a block up and then to your left.

Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.

- How's things going?
- Terrible. They never hit one to me.

Watch right field for me a minute,
will you, Father?

- Sure.
- I got to run in the house.

BOY 1: Hey, fellas,
the Father's gonna take my place.

BOY 2: Okay, Father.
O'MALLEY: I got it! Got it!
BOYS: Hurry up! Come on!
- What do you think you're doing?
- I'm the substitute right fielder.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself...
playing around with kids,
smashing people's windows.

MAN: A big grown-up man.
HATTIE: And a priest, besides.

- Hello.
- Still looking for St. Dominic's.

You just wait till I tell Father Fitzgibbon.
Look, you keep out of this, will you? Go on.
This is between him and me.
O'MALLEY: Honestly, I'm sorry
about the window.

Yeah, but being sorry don't fix it.
O'MALLEY: I intend to pay for it.
MAN: When?

Priests never have any money.
- That window...
- Now wait a minute, my good man...

I said I'd pay for it. I told you I'm sorry.
What else can I say after I say I'm sorry?
That ain't the idea.
It's the principle of the thing.

A priest shouldn't go around
breaking people's windows.

It sets a bad example for the children.
You got me stymied there. I'm contrite
and I'm penitent. I've told you I'm sorry.

- You told me that twice. But that don't...
- That doesn't fix the broken window, I know.

I think you're just playing hard
to get along with.

Maybe a little security might help?
These were given to me.
Why don't you keep them until I've made
good? Maybe they'll make you feel better.
