Going My Way

- Good morning, Father.
- Been to market?

Mrs. Carmody could attend to that.
You should have been making parish calls.

I have. Mrs. McGonigle, the one
with the big house and rheumatism.

- She sent you a present.
- She did?

Very generous of her, I must say.
A fine Christian woman, Mrs. McGonigle.

Wonder what it is.
Something to eat, I dare say.

Jam. No, pickled pig's feet.
Possibly some brandied peaches.
If there's one thing I'm partial to,
it's a nice big jar of brandied peaches.

- A nice basket, too.
- Yes. She wants it back.

[Puppies whimpering]
They're too young. Much too young
to be separated from their mother.

That's what she said. So here's the mother.
- Isn't she cute?
- The joy of giving is indeed a pleasure.

Especially when you get rid
of something you don't want.

Mrs. McGonigle is famous for these tricks.
When her husband died,
she sent me his umbrella...

his long flannel underwear,
and his moustache cup.

[Singing] Hail Alma Mater
Thy time-honoured halls

Shall echo with our praise till we die
And 'round our hearts
are the ivy-covered walls

Of East St. Louis High
O'MALLEY: Timmy, how are you?
O'DOWD: Chuck, I'm glad to see you.

O'DOWD: How long
since we've seen each other?

O'MALLEY: Four years.
- Five, anyway.
- Has it been that long?

Pardon me. Father Fitzgibbon,
this is my old friend, Father O'Dowd.

How are you, Father Fitzgibbon?
We've been friends
since we were knee-high to a niblick.

He was our local Huckleberry Finn.
"Laugh and the world laughs with you,"
he'd say.

Cry, and you cry all by yourself.
How are you, Father?
I just dropped by to see if Father O'Malley
could play a little golf this afternoon.

- You did? Where's your parish?
- Right over here, St. Francis.

Well, now, about your golf.
Of course, I can't answer for you...

but at St. Dominic's we've very little time
for games of golf and such like.
