Going My Way

O'MALLEY: You got chord number one,
chord number two, chord number three.

O'MALLEY: Put those chords together
and we can sing a song.

I'll hold up the fingers, they'll be
your signals. Watch the signals.

Make out I'm the catcher.
I'm giving you the signals. One, two, three.

Ready? Here's your note now.
[O'Malley singing note]
[O'Malley Singing] Silent night
[Boys humming]
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
That's fine, boys. Thanks very much.
Want to call it a day? There's still
enough light outside for some baseball.

BOY 3: Let's sing some more.
BOY 4: Yeah, let's go ahead.

BOY 5: Yeah, come on!
BOY 6: Let's sing some more.

[All agreeing]
[Solemn instrumental music]
- You saw the Bishop, Father?
- Yeah.

Would you ask Father O'Malley
if he'd mind stepping into me study?
