Going My Way

What did the Bishop say?
After a little talk, he congratulated me...
on me 45 years at St. Dominic's.
He has a remarkable memory.
He said it was a monument...
to the fact that I had built it.
Coming from the Bishop,
that's certainly a fine compliment.

Then I told him
I had come to talk about you.

That seemed to disturb him.
Then he started telling me
about what a fine young man you are.

Capable, progressive,
how much confidence he had in you.

He even told me that...
he had a nice talk with you
before you reported to me.

Of course, he didn't tell me
what you two talked about.

He didn't have to.
I could see it in the good man's eyes.
When you get to my age,
you can do that, you know. Oh, yes.

Then, after a little more telling me
how progressive you were...

he asked me why I'd come.
And knowing what was on his mind
and to save him the embarrassment...

of having to tell me...
The Bishop.
The Bishop wouldn't hurt anyone.
I put him at his ease.
"Bishop," I said...
"the very thing that's on your mind
is on mine.

"It's the very thing
I've come to see you about.

"I want you to put young Father O'Malley...
"in charge of St. Dominic's."
The Bishop seemed much relieved.
He congratulated me on my ability to see...
so clearly at my age...
on my ability to face the inevitable.
Then what happened?
