Going My Way

[Solemn instrumental music continues]
I think you better start without him.
Looks like he's not coming down for dinner.

He said he wanted to take a little nap.
He didn't look well, did he,
when he came in this evening?

Go see if he's awake.
If he's coming down, I'll wait for him.

MRS. CARMODY: Father O'Malley!
Father O'Malley!
Father! He's gone.
He's packed his things, everything.
He's gone.

- Where would he go?
- I can't imagine.

Okay, sure, but keep at it, will you?
No, you can't miss him. A little guy. Old.
Got a grip and an umbrella.
Nothing yet, Father. They're gonna check
the subways, the hospitals.

Look, Father, take it easy, will you?
You better go home.
No use the two of us getting drowned.

Call me the minute you hear anything.
- I don't care what time it is.
- I will.

[Clock ticking]
MRS. CARMODY: Shall I make some coffee?
[Exclaims questioningly]
No, thank you.
Come on. Now what's the matter?
