
I shall never forget
the weekend Laura died.

A silver sun burned through the sky
like a huge magnifying glass.

It was the hottest Sunday
in my recollection.

I felt as if I were the only human being
left in New York.

For with Laura's
horrible death, I was alone.

I, Waldo Lydecker...
was the only one
who really knew her...

and I hadjust begun
to write Laura's story when...

another of those detectives
came to see me.

I had him wait.
I could watch him
through the half-open door.

I noted that his attention
was fixed upon my clock.

There was only one other
in existence...

and that was
in Laura's apartment...

in the very room
where she was murdered.

Careful there.
That stuff is priceless.

Come in here, please.
Mr. Lydecker?
Ah, you recognize me.
How splendid.

Sit down, please.
Nice little place
you have here, Mr. Lydecker.

It's lavish,
but I call it home.

I suppose you're here
about the Laura Hunt murder.

Yesterday morning,
after Laura's body was found...
