
- You begin to bore me.
- You're a poor man.

I'm very sorry for you.
I was annoyed by the incident...

but she had something
about her, that girl.

I had to speak to her again.
I had to see her.

- Miss, would you mind if I-
- Just a moment, please.

I'll tell Mr. Bullitt right away.
He's on the telephone.

Thank you.
Boy, Waldo Lydecker
to see Miss Laura Hunt.

Announce me.
Johnny, please tell
the gentleman I'm busy.

Miss Hunt, I have something
to say to you.

You've already said it,
Mr. Lydecker.

I wish to point out that you caught me
at my most difficult moment.

Ordinarily I am not
without a heart.

Shall I produce
X- ray pictures to prove it?

I wish to apologize.
Your apology is accepted.
Good-bye, Mr. Lydecker.
If you come
a little bit closer, my boy...

I can just crack your skull
with my stick.

And now, for reasons
which are too embarrassing to mention...

I'd like to endorse that pen.
Mr. Lydecker!
Thank you.
- You're a very strange man.
- What?
