Meet Me in St. Louis

Hey! You boys, stop that!
Leave that trolley alone!
It's gonna be the biggest fair ever.
My father was talking...

:42:17 the world's-fair commission, and
they estimate it'll cost 50 million.

- That's a lot of kale.
- I can hardly wait to see Skinker's Swamp.

- Yes, it must look like a fairyland!
- Oh, now, wait. It's still a little rough.

After all, the exposition doesn't open
for six months.

Here we go.
All aboard, everybody!

Hurry it along.
We haven't got all day.

Up in front, please.
Move up, there's plenty of room.

Quentin, are we...?
- Are we all here?
- Just too bad for those that aren't.

Time, tide and trolley wait for no man.
Let her go, motorman.
