Murder, My Sweet

And I know how you feel,
but she ain't here.

No girl's been here
since I owned this place.

No show. No noise.
I got a reputation for no trouble.
She used to work here.
You ask him about Velma.
We've been over all that. Drink up, Joe.
You remember Velma?
I'll have to request
you don't bother the customers.

So far you rate me polite?
I don't bother you none.

Some guys has the wrong ideas
when to get fancy.

Come on. Eight years is a lot of gin.
They don't remember Velma.

- Who asked you to stick your face in?
- You did. Remember me?

I'm the guy who came in with you, chunky.
Moose. The name is Moose.
On account of I'm large.

- Moose Malloy. You heard of me, maybe?
- Maybe.

They changed it a lot.
There was a stage
where she worked and some booths.

You said that.
I'm beginning not to like it here.
- Maybe I told you too much.
- No.

- We was to be married.
- What happened?

Where do you figure I've been away
those eight years?

Catching butterflies.
I put away a few grand before I went up.
- You been in the caboose ever?
- Just a couple of overnight stops.
