Murder, My Sweet

I merely wanted to take you
on the wing, so to speak.

An old psychological trick.
It helps us get closer to the real man.

Where did you pick up Malloy?
My dear Mr. Marlowe...
I notice in you an unpleasant tendency
toward abrupt transitions.

A characteristic of your generation.
In this case, I must ask you
to follow some sort of logical progression.

Now, about the police...
Maybe they got something on you
or they're trying to get it.

I didn't expect you to tell me which.
I was just baiting you.

It's an old psychological trick, grandpa.
What's your racket?
I am in a very sensitive profession.
I am a quack.
Which is to say, I'm ahead of my time
in the field of psychic treatment.

Naturally, certain elements
would like to show me in a bad light.

It's entirely possible
they have discussed me with the police.

That is it.
Sorry if I've upset your theories about me,
which must be more elaborate, but...

My theory's pretty simple.
It goes like this:

Marriott was a blackmailer of women.
He was good.

Women liked him around. His interest
in clothes and jewelry came easy.

But he wasn't the whole works. Somebody
told him which women to cultivate...

so he could load them with ice,
go out dancing...

then slip to the phone
and tell the boys where to operate.

And that is your picture
of Marriott and me?

I am slightly disgusted
and very disappointed.

Don't look now,
but Gussie the gun collector is back.

I am very disappointed in you.
Your thinking is untidy,
like most so-called thinking today.

You depress me.
Suppose your theory were correct...
I would have Mrs. Grayle's jade now,
wouldn't I?

- Unless something went wrong.
- What could have gone wrong?

Marriott could have lost his nerve
and rung in a private dick.

Take a private dick who'd risk his neck
for $100.
