Since You Went Away

I'm going to have
a talk with him.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- Why not?

Somebody's got to talk to him.
It's usually a good rule to stay out
of other people's business.

But maybe it's better
if you learn the hard way.

Go ahead if you want to.
You're not a baby anymore.

Just think, in another week,
I'll be graduating.

Mother, may I get a war job?
You certainly may not.
You're going to college.

College. But all the girls are talking
about getting war jobs.

I promised your father and myself
that all the things

we planned for you are going
to come true, war or no war.

- But I want to do something.
- We're doing all we can, dear.

Pop is fighting so that
you girls can continue...

It is three minutes after 7:00.
- See what I mean?
- Yes.

Oh, dear.
Here, give him his breakfast.

And tell him
anything you want to.

The old goat.
Good morning, Colonel Smollett.
Looks like a fine morning.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Where is Superman?

I beg your pardon?
Pages 9 to 12 inclusive
are mysteriously missing.

- Where's the other one?
- Brig? It's a little early for her.

The other egg.
That's the only one we have.
There's getting to be a shortage.

I guess the hens are...
busy with war work.

Do you mind
being talked to at breakfast?

I most certainly do mind.
- It's about Bill.
- About whom?

Bill. You remember,
your grandson.

Yes, indeed, I do remember.
What about him?

He's a nice boy.
A most interesting
observation, Miss Hilton.
