Since You Went Away

Wipe sorrow's tears away
Nor let me ever stray
From Your side
In these troublous times,
when many of our loved ones

are making the supreme sacrifice,
I've searched the Holy Scriptures
and my heart

for some message of comfort
and inspiration to you.

On other occasions
I've quoted from St. John

and the prophet Zechariah.
I've reminded you
of the 23rd Psalm...

"Thy rod and Thy staff,
they comfort me."

Today I offer you the words
of a Maryland lawyer

of another day,
when Americans were fighting

to preserve their
sacred heritage of liberty.

"O thus be it ever
when free men shall stand

"between their loved homes
and the war's desolation.

"Blessed with victory and peace,
"may the heaven-rescued land
praise the power

"that hath made
and preserved this nation.

"Then conquer we must
"when our cause, it is just.
