A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Yes, Neeley?
Mom, if there was a rule about

that doesn't mean you couldn't do
something else once in a while...

Neeley, you cannot have any of those
pennies to buy an ice cream cone.

They go in the bank the same as
usual. Bring them in here, Neeley.

Half of everything we get goes into
that bank.

Thas the way it is and thas the
way is going to be.

Now put them in there.
Gosh, l bet we got about a hundred
dollars in that old bank by now.

Nine's more like it.
Mama! Mama! They're cutting the tree.
Oh, thas too bad.
That was kind of pretty there with
the bird sitting in it sometimes.

Papa loved that tree.
Aw, quit mooning over it. lt got in
the way of the washing.

Tree ain't gonna put no pennies in
the bank.

Mr. Barker. Get out the good cup
and saucer and give it a wipe.

And Francie,
you can stay in the room if you want
to while Mr. Barker is here.

How do you do, Mr. Barker?
How do you do, Francie?
Mommy is temporarily detained but
will join you directly.

Hello, Neeley.
- Hello.

l might fancy you get manners right
out of the book.

And company or no company,
Mrs. Nolan always looks the lady.

You should see some of my people.
Even ladies with husbands that work

Won't you go. into the parlor and
have a cup of coffee?

That l will. And your hospitality is
very kind, Mrs. Nolan.

Well, old man Gentry is off to jail

Oh, thas too bad.
But she's keeping up his insurance,
just the same.

And here's ours. Ten cents for me,
ten cents for Mr. Nolan,

a nickel for each of the

And you'll never regret it, Mrs.

A fine funeral for every member of
the family, heaven forbid.

And now your weekly receipts,
Mrs. Nolan.

Now, there's one party, not very far
from here, l wouldn't like to say who

that didn't get any receipts
this week.

And naming no names, l will say that
is a family that the angel of

death has marked on his invitation
list, heaven forbid.

Henny says his sister's got one foot
in the grave.

lll mean problems for you, most
likely. And thank you, Francie.
