A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

But, Mama, we know Aunt
Sissy's been married before!

Thas not...
- Sure. l can remember two Uncle Bills.

Thas nothing for you to talk about.
Now run along now and get things

You got no right, Mr. Barker,
to be carrying tales about
my sister as though.

there were something wrong.
She may be funny some ways, but she
wouldn't do nothing wrong.

So, l'd like it if you didn't talk
to people like it was.

Strike nee dead if l'd ever think of
mentioning it to anyone but you...

Yeah, sure, l know.
Well, you might as well go on now
and tell me what you do know.

No point in my being the only one
that don't hear it.

Ten cents worth of round steak, do
you want it ground?

No, thank you.
- You sure?

lt wasn't twenty minutes ago l
ground that whole plate full fresh.

No, thank you.
Oh, l forgot, now. My Mama wants it

You don't tell me.
And she said to chop that in with it.
She did?
And a piece of suet to fry it with
Mama said.

Sweet jumping chrystophers.
You know? Mama thinks we don't know

Yeah, she acts like we were kids or

l bet she has a fight with Aunt
Sissy tonight.

ls got something to do with men
liking Aunt Sissy too much.

Well, Papa says we oughta make
everybody like us.

l guess maybe ladies shouldn't.
Maybe Aunt Sissy wouldn't have
changed husbands too much if any of

her babies would have lived.
She's crazy about babies.

Look who's talking about babies.
A lot you know.

l know as much as you do.
You don't know nothing.
You think you're so smart.
Boys make me sick.

Well what do you think girls make

Here she comes!
