A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Six loaves!
And a pie, not too crushed.
Breaïs fine.
l wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't
more than three days old.

ls that all, Mom? Can we go now?
Yes, you're free.
Where's the fire?
There's a scout for the Brooklyns

They're looking for a catcher.
Where are you going?
Oh, no place much.
Well, don't go dream-walking,
crossing the street.

T... U... Burton:
"Anatomy of Melancholy".

Burton: "Anatomy of Melancholy"
Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy"?
Are you sure you want this?

Yes, ma'am.
Don't you think is a trifle over
your head?

Yes, ma'am.
Then why did you select it?
Well, l've read all the authors
beginning with "A",

and all the "Bs" down to Burton.
ls next.

You mean you're trying to read your
way straight through the library?

Yes, ma'am.
But, a book like this, you'll only
be confused.

Please, l want to read clear through
the alphabet.

l want to know everything in the

Well, all right. Only, do something
for me, won't you?

Take another book too. Here:
"When Knighthood Was in
Flower". Just for fun. ls Saturday.
