A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Francie's kind of mad at me,
because, well,

Sissy made a scene
on the street today,

and l asked her to stay a...

Papa, wasthere an impresario there?
No, not tonight, Prima Donna. But you
got no call to be mad at your mama.

She's always got a good reason for
what she does.

Good night, Mama.
Oh, good night, Francie.
Johnny, tell me what else happened
at the party?

Well, it was nice, just like l told
you. Awful nice.

Johnny, do you think, l mean,
have l changed a lot?

Changed? Why she couldn't hold a
candle to you. She ain't so hot.

l just said that for the kids. No

No, thas not what r mean. What l
mean is, am l getting hard, you know.

Oh, now where did you grab onto an
idea like that? Hard?

l don't know!
l don't want to be, but well,
there's the kids and all,

and l want to do whas right for
them and may be some times l am

Now, will you stop talking like that.
Now, you're prettier than you ever

l almost told that to the whole
bunch down at the party tonight.

l almost said, you ought to see my

thas waiting home
for me at tonight.

And you was waiting, Katie.
That was nice, awful nice.

lt was just like it used to be.
You told about the party awful nice
tonight, Johnny.

l should have. Waited up more
often, l guess.
